West View believes the need exists to get important messages to our membership in a timely manner. We have a means to successfully achieve the goal. Most if not all of you have the capacity to send and receive text messages. Through our church office, we have initiated a text messaging program. Each of your cell phone numbers will be added to the list. We will strive to never allow your name to appear in the text message. If we would have used this program during the inclement weather of January, each of you could have checked your phone to see if any or all of our Sunday services would need to be changed or cancelled.

The church office believes that they have each of your cell phone numbers on file. However, if you hear of someone comment that they did not receive the text message, please have them call the church office and make sure we have the right number on file.

You will not be able to respond to these messages. You can only read the message. If you prefer not to receive the text messages just tap on the opt out or unsubscribe link and you will be removed. It will come in to you under the number 8335353884. Once you receive the text go into your West View contacts and add this number to West View. After adding the number, each new text will show West View as the sender. Unfortunately we are limited to 150 characters per message. If you get a text message from us and it asks you to tap on to a link, go ahead and follow the instructions and you will be directed automatically to our website where you will see a specific message giving you the important information we want you to see.

If you have any problems or questions just call the office and Ky Pugh will help you.

If you wish to unsubscribe from these communications at any time, reply STOP.

- West View Baptist Communications